Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dinner Time, Earthquake Practice and Snap!!

It's dinner time and I'm having Tuna Rice!! Take a look at the photo below!!

Toby has got Beef Stew and my and Tuna Rice is yummy!! Toby likes his beef Stew, take a look.

We've been practising for another earthquake at Kindy and today we had an earthquake drill. It was a lot of fun pretending that the ground was rumbling and hiding under tables!! It was my longer Kindy day today so I had lunch with my friends.

This afternoon I played Snap with mummy, which was a lot of fun. The snap cards have all kinds of different jobs on them.

Mummy says that Toby has been reading lots of books today, he keeps bringing her new books and asking them to be read. He likes to look at the pictures mostly and turns the page before Mummy finishes reading sometimes. He is starting to feel a bit better now as well, his nose is a lot less snotty.

I've got to finish my dinner now as I am taking ages and it is nearly bedtime.

Bye, Bye

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

LittleToby And His Oven Mitten

Teddy is so funny. Today he stole the oven mitten from Daddy while he was cooking and was running around with the mitten on his arm.....

We had another big earthquaket today, Mummy says it was a 5.0, I was at Kindy when it happened and I was a little scared. I dropped to the ground and made myself like Turtle, exactly as the teachers showed us in our drills! Daddy says that his work was evacuated, but everyone was let back in after a little while.

Bye, Bye

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Rainy Weekend


We've had a really good weekend. Yesterday I talked to Nanny and Granddad on Skype, which was really exciting, I love calling them as I miss them very very much. I talked to them about when they are coming over to visit us, which is going to be lots of fun. I've gots lots of places I want to take them, so they can see all the things I've been doing in New Zealand.

On Saturday I started my new Term at Ballet, which was a lot of fun and I got a star sticker for doing well. While I was at Ballet Mummy and Daddy took Toby to have his hair cut, I think he looks really handsome, but Mummy is not so keen, she keeps saying that he look like a Monk!! After Ballet we went for a walk around the shopping Mall as the weather man was wrong and it rained. I got some new pens for my colouring and had lunch at the Mall. I had Sushi with my Mummy, it was really yummy. When we got home Mummy opened my new Funfair Lego set with me and we made lots of great things. Toby joined in as well, but kept getting in the way and breaking our things, so Daddy took him off to play.

We watched Top Chef while we ate our dinner, I love watching the cooking programs as I am going to be a Chef when I grow up. I have been making my own breakfast and lunch which has been lots of fun. I've also been helping Mummy and Daddy make dinner at night as well, but that is a little more difficult as I'm not allowed to do the chopping. Daddy says I need to be older first as it is really dangerous to chop with a knife.

On Sunday we spent the day at home as it was still a little bit rainy. Toby and I played with my new Lego and when Toby had a nap I did an activity book with Mummy. I also did some colouring for Bluey the budgie, I love Bluey he is really cool. I'll miss him when I take him back to Kindy. Mummy and Daddy said I could have my own Budgie one day, how cool is that?

Toby has still been feeling unwell and has a very runny nose. Mummy and Daddy have to keep wiping it for him and I've been helping by telling them each time it gets runny! In the afternoon we helped Daddy get the books out and put them on the shelves. Toby and I played boats with the empty book boxes which was lots of fun!

Today I'm back at Kindy, so I'll write again later once I'm home

Bye bye

Friday, October 15, 2010

Our First Post!!!


Today I have been at Kindy and I played with my best friend Ethan. We played hide and seek outside and we played trains as well.  It has been hot and sunny so we spent most of our morning outside. I also did some puzzles with the teachers and made some playdough cakes.

Mummy says that Toby had a long sleep this morning after they dropped me off at Kindy, which is really good as he has not been sleeping well recently.

After Kindy I got to bring home the Budgie. His name is Bluey and he is really nice and talks all the time. At home I have been playing with Toby and I helped Mummy clean up the play room.  Then Mummy and I sat with Bluey and did my Cbeebies magazine and some beautiful colouring.

Toby has got a new tooth today and has been really grumpy!!  He has got a bad cold, which keeps waking him up in the night and then wakes up Mummy and Daddy.  This afternoon Toby has been up to lots of mischief, pushing around the toy boxes and making mess whilst we tried to tidy up. Toby really likes the Budgie and keeps talking to him.

Daddy says it is going to be hot and sunny tomorrow so we are going to go and do something fun outside after I go to Ballet.

It's nearly bedtime now so I have to go,
